The simple elegance of the Shaker style, the strength of Amish solid cabinetmaking. This is why you should consider the Ellen Leg Table Set. We offer the table in several sizes to meet your needs and desires. Also, the non-geared slide makes it easy to extend the table by inserting self-storing leaves. What’s more, the arm chairs feature a lumbar-friendly backrest. An upholstered seat is optional. Our Amish cabinetmakers build the table and chairs. In fact, they use top hardwoods like cherry, oak and maple (shown with Dark Knight stain). No wonder this set is so sturdy and heirloom-quality! Now, make it yours. Simply fill out the open (blank) fields below. Also, make sure you tell us your choices for wood species, finish and more. Or call 855-768-3270 today.
Ellen Leg Table Set

- Solid Wood Construction
- 1" Bow-End Top with Bottom Waterfall Edge
- 2" Radius Corners
- Standard Self Store where Possible
- 42" - Self-Stores 4 Leaves (2 with Skirts and 2 without Skirts)
- Non-Geared Wood Slide
- 36" Wide will Self Store 2 Leaves (1 with Skirt and 1 without Skirt)
- 36 x 54, 60, 66, or 72
- 42 x 54, 60, 66, or 72
- Skirt Height 26 1/4"
- 2 3/4" Wide Skirt
- 30" high standard