Amish-built for life,

Custom-crafted for your lifestyle.

Miniature Amish Buggies

At 6 inches wide by 2 1/2 inches high, Miniature Amish Buggies make perfect play pieces for your little kids. Plus, they make cool wall hangings. As well as attractive mantle displays. And they are from Brandenberry Amish Furniture, renowned for top-quality Amish-made, solid hardwood furniture.


Miniature Amish Buggies by Brandenberry Amish Furniture

Nothing represents the Amish lifestyle like the Amish buggy. And at Brandeberry Amish Furniture, we are delighted to offer these iconic symbols of the ‘Plain people.’ You can choose from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana Amish buggies. So imagine displaying one on your mantle or wall. And think of how much a small child in your life would love having their very own custom and unique Amish buggy. Also, think of the teachable moments that can arise as you explain why people in 21st Century America decide to live by 18th Century norms.

Skilled Amish artisans painstakingly carve each miniature piece from solid hardwood. Also, the artisans apply stains and/or paint plus a sleek finish. You can select a model as shown. Or, you can choose from a variety of options, including wood specie, stain, and finish.

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