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CD and DVD Storage Cabinets
CD and DVD Storage Cabinets from Brandenberry Amish Furniture give you more than 170 ways to store your CDs and DVDs. From small towers to giant wall units. They are all Amish built from solid hardwood. Assuring superior quality, strength, and long life. Check ’em out!
Bellaire TV Cabinet
Boulder Creek Four Drawer Media Chest
Boulder Creek Wall Unit
CD Tower
CD/DVD Tower
Carlisle Four Drawer Media Chest
DN Fireplace Media Console
DVD Tower
Delgado Fireplace Entertainment Center
Hoosier Heritage Wall Unit
Artesa Tall Media Chest
Boulder Creek Corner Entertainment Center
Boulder Creek Five Door LCD Cabinet
Boulder Creek Three Door Corner TV Stand
Boulder Creek Three Door LCD Cabinet
Carlisle Tall Four Drawer Media Chest
Carlisle Two Door LCD Stand
Centennial Entertainment Center
Centennial Six Door Entertainment Center
Centennial Two Door Corner TV Stand
Classic Stereo Cabinet
Classic Two Door Corner LCD Stand
Classic Two Door LCD Stand
Colbran Entertainment Center
Colbran Four Piece Wall Unit
Colbran Two Piece LCD Cabinet
Deluxe Mission Two Door Plasma TV Cabinet with Drawers
Durham Two Door TV Stand with Media Opening
Durham Wide Two Door TV Stand with Media Opening
Greenwood Mission Four Door Plasma TV Cabinet
Greenwood Mission Plasma TV Cabinet
Harmony Mission Four Door Plasma TV Cabinet
Harmony Mission Two Door Plasma TV Cabinet
Heritage Media Cabinet
Hickory TV Tower Hutch
Hoosier Heritage Console
Hoosier Heritage Four Door LCD Stand
Hoosier Heritage Side Door TV Stand
Hoosier Heritage Stereo Cabinet
Hoosier Heritage Two Door Corner LCD Stand
Hoosier Heritage Two Door LCD Stand
Kascade Large TV Stand
Kascade One Drawer TV Stand
Kascade Two-Piece LCD Cabinet
Kascade Two-Piece LCD Cabinet with Bi-Fold Doors
Manhattan Mission Entertainment Center
Manhattan Mission Three Drawer LCD Stand
Manhattan Mission Three-Piece Wall Unit
Mission Four Door, Two Drawer Plasma TV Cabinet
Mission Media Cabinet
Mission One Door Stereo Cabinet
Mission Short Stereo Cabinet
Mission Two Door Corner LCD Stand
Mission Two Door LCD Stand
Mission Two Paneled Door LCD Stand
Modesto High TV Stand
Modesto Six Piece Wall Unit
Modesto Three Door Corner LCD Hutch
Modesto Three Door Corner LCD Stand
Modesto Three Door LCD Stand
Modesto Two Door LCD Stand
Modesto Two-Piece LCD Cabinet
Old Classic Sleigh Corner TV Hutch
Old Classic Sleigh Deluxe Stereo Cabinet
Old Classic Sleigh Stereo Cabinet
Old Classic Sleigh Three Door Corner TV Stand
Old Classic Sleigh Three Door LCD Stand
Old Classic Sleigh Two Door LCD Stand
Old Classic Sleigh Two-Piece LCD Cabinet
Old Classic Sleigh Wall Unit
Victorian Style Entertainment Center
Victorian Style Three-Piece Wall Unit
Victorian Three Drawer LCD Stand
West Lake Three Door LCD Stand
West Lake Two Door LCD Stand
Weston Home Theater without Fireplace
CD and DVD Storage Cabinets by Brandenberry Amish Furniture
The huge collection of unique, one-of-a-kind units displayed above gives you numerous great options for storing your music and movie collections.
Interested in a ‘bare bones’ storage system? Choose one of the CD/DVD towers. Or, you can store your music and movies with your stereo in CD/DVD stereo cabinets, of which there are several.
Also, we carved out space for storage in the myriad of TV/LCD stands, corner TV stands, entertainment centers, and wall units. And there’s more. Check out the media chests, fireplace media consoles, and entertainment centers. And you will find even more space for those great tunes and flicks.
Amish cabinetmakers custom-build each unit. And they use solid hardwoods. Like oak, maple, cherry, and hickory. So the storage cabinets are rather sturdy. In fact, with proper care, they should continue enhancing your family’s entertainment for generations to come.